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Recipe for success with your customers

Reminisce back to arriving home to mom’s home-made baking … basic ingredients, elementary techniques. Mom’s baking was always the best, why? Perhaps it was the complete experience: mom in the kitchen waiting for you lovingly, the comfort of home, the familiar kitchen, the first delicious bite and of course, mom’s secret ingredient.…

Tips from Calgary Recruiters on How to Make a Great First Impression

More often than not, employers and Calgary recruiters are looking for ambitious, self-starters who go the extra mile to complete projects/tasks and are not afraid to be proactive in starting new ones.   Definition of proactive:  pro*ac*tive (adjective)  Active means “doing something.” The prefix pro- means “before.”  So if you are…

Red Carpet Ready … Presenting yourself…

PREPARATION – Planning for the Big Day Watching the stars from the comfort of your own home – do you sometimes wonder how can I present myself like them? A red carpet ready star spends weeks or even months in preparation for the big day – how can you be…

Edmonton Recruiters List Top 5 Interview Mistakes

Edmonton Recruiters List Top 5 Interview Mistakes As a Edmonton recruiting and staffing company, we get lots of questions about what not to do in an interview. Our Edmonton recruiters have heard many rumors of interviewees who stumble into the interview late while wearing cargo shorts and flip-flops. We’ve even heard stories…

The Happy Secret To Better Work….

Winter weather got you down?  Maybe it is not the winter blues but just your negative views…. Try retraining your brain to a more positive state.  Research is linking happiness to success.  As Shawn Achor (CEO of Good Think Inc) explains in “The Happy Secret To Better Work”. “It is…

Prepare Your Home Before A Gataway a Message from Rogers Insurance LTD

Does your insurance policy have a vacant dwelling restriction? If so, your property may not have insurance coverage if you are away from your home for an extended period of time. If you are unsure, you should check with your insurance professional to advise you. Download

A Message from the Vice Chairs at Alberta’s Promise

“Life,” according to Albert Einstein, “is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.” The same is true for organizations: it is only by moving forward that we succeed. And our forward momentum at Alberta’s Promise is only building. A few short weeks into 2014 and…

Saving for a rainy day might just save your career

Short version: If you do not have a rainy day fund you risk losing control over your own career. Long version: I recently met with a successful professional faced with a tough decision in the midst of a job search. On the one hand, she could join a large respected…

The one thing CEOs know that you don’t

You’re at the mall to pick up your dry-cleaning when a vividly-lit store seemingly beckons you. Immediately, a particularly striking luxury handbag you’ve been fantasizing about for weeks catches your eye. And it’s on sale – today only. Can we say, “Uh-oh?”  To splurge or not to splurge; that is the…

13 Surprising Things That Affect Whether You Get Hired

The hiring manager uses the interview to determine whether you’ll be a good fit for the job. And you know the drill, so you arrive on time, dress impeccably, and answer all of their questions intelligently. But there are many more small details that overtly or subconsciously affect the way…