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Summer is over, but we Albertans are still surfing the waves as the oil and gas industry yanks us up and down in our powerful ocean playground.  This has been the Alberta way for decades, yet we still feel the exhilaration when at the top of a big wave.  You…

The Value of Volunteering

With the downturn in the labour market reaching the 2 year mark, we speak with many job seekers that have been struggling. With each day of unemployment, a person’s frustration and fear can increase, while their confidence and self-worth can start to diminish. If local economists are accurate, we may…

The importance of changing your password

Most of us have heard by now how you should have different passwords for each of the services you use (i.e Facebook, Gmail, LinkedIn), and how a good password will include a mix of numbers, letters and special characters. It’s your first line of defense against online attackers, and will…

Silver Lining….

As a glass half full type of person, it can get daunting to be bombarded by the messages we often hear in the media. There is never a shortage of information telling us what isn’t positive in our economy.  One  thing I know, even though it may be difficult to…

In support of Fort McMurray

We would like to recognize all the work being done by safety personnel in the Fort McMurray area. Collectively, our hearts go out to those who have been displaced and those who have lost their homes. We are currently fundraising in order to assist organizations and individuals in need. We…

5 Tips on how to stay positive while looking for a job

Keep a daily routine/schedule for yourself and stick to it. By maintaining a routine at home you won’t feel like you are in a rut of nonproductive time. Keeping a routine will also help the transition into your new job more seamless. This might be a great time to sign…

2016 – An Employer’s Market

As 2015 has ended and we are mid-way through the first quarter of 2016, we continue to see uncertainty in the Alberta market. A new political landscape that we have not seen in 40+ years, continued decrease in commodity pricing, global markets in turmoil and the low Canadian dollar have…

Fear Not, Become Diversified

Fear can stop you on your feet and block you from going forward.  Fear is most often associated with a loss of control.  How do we continue to function day to day when surrounded by uneasiness and uncertainty? First of all you must discern between the things that you can and…

The 12 Days of Holiday Safety

As we all know, safety at home and work is paramount every day of the year. We’ve found a great way to remember the importance of safety during the winter/holiday season from the Government of Canada’s ‘Get Prepared’ webpage… The 12 Days of Holiday Safety In the true spirit of…

Did you know that Diversified Staffing Services is on Social Media?

Did you know that Diversified Staffing Services is on Social Media? We are on Twitter, Linkedin, Facebook and Instagram. Be sure to follow us to stay up to date in the latest job postings, community involvement, industry articles and general industry advice. Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/DSSdiversified Follow us on…