Category: Health and Safety Diversified Staffing Health and Safety Search Search for: Categories Benefits Business Client Events Giving Back Health and Safety Human Resources Payroll Personal Advice Uncategorised Heat Exhaustion Posted on July 17, 2019 Giving Back Health and Safety Working in the heat and doing heavy physical work can affect the body’s cooling system. If your body is unable to cool itself, you can experience heat stress. If heat stress is not treated in the early stages, more serious conditions, such as heat exhaustion, can develop. In heat exhaustion,… STAYING SAFE WHEN WORKING IN THE RAIN Posted on July 3, 2019 Health and Safety If your job requires you to work outdoors, you’ll probably encounter bad weather on at least one occasion. While most instances of rainfall shouldn’t cause any significant risk for concern, there are times when it increases the risk of injury. So, what steps can you take to reduce the risk… Working in the heat without taking precautions is not cool! Posted on June 25, 2019 Health and Safety While many Albertans are enjoying the hot summer weather, those who work in the heat should take precautions to avoid health risks. Working in the heat and doing physical work can affect the body’s cooling system. If your body is unable to cool itself, you can experience heat stress. If… The Office- The Danger Zone Posted on June 19, 2019 Health and Safety Compared to an industrial work environment, an office can seem like a safe place to work. However, many serious accidents and injuries occur on a regular basis in offices everywhere. Slips, trips and falls are one of the most common causes of workplace injuries. They can occur anywhere whether you… Heat Disorders – Dehydration Posted on June 11, 2019 Health and Safety Dehydration occurs when you lose more fluids than you take in and your body doesn’t have enough water and other fluids to carry out its normal functions. If lost fluid is not replenished, you may suffer serious consequences. Inadequate intake of water during hot weather or exercise also may deplete your… Protect Yourself from Wildfire Smoke Posted on June 3, 2019 Giving Back Health and Safety It is important to be aware that wildfire smoke can affect your health and to take precautions to protect yourself by reducing your exposure, especially if you are sensitive to the smoke. Who is most at risk? People with pre-existing chronic conditions such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD),… LIFT IT TWICE!! Posted on May 9, 2019 Benefits Giving Back Health and Safety Most of you have heard the general rules of safe lifting. Remember to “Get a firm grip on the load, keep it close, bend at the knees, use your legs to lift the load, and keep your spine in the natural position (with an arch in your lower back).” These… Day of Mourning Posted on April 10, 2019 Health and Safety Every year on April 28 we pay our respects to, and remember, the thousands of workers who have been killed, injured or suffered illness as a result of work-related incidents. Sadly, Alberta lost 162 men and women to workplace injury or illness in 2018. On April 28, we remember. In 1984, the… Spring Cleaning and Safety Posted on March 26, 2019 Giving Back Health and Safety No time is more appropriate than spring to pull out all the stops and reach into the less frequented corners of your facility to eliminate dust and grime. This is also a great opportunity to assess your current safety situation and remove hazards from your workplace. Here are some aspects… Easy Way Instead of the Right Way Posted on March 12, 2019 Giving Back Health and Safety There are many reasons as to why incidents occur that result in property loss or injury on the job. Often times, there has to be multiple failures in the safeguards that are put into place (or not put into place) for an injury to occur due to an exposure to a hazard.… prev 1 2 3 4 5 6 … 9 next