If your job requires you to work outdoors, you’ll probably encounter bad weather on at least one occasion. While most instances of rainfall shouldn’t cause any significant risk for concern, there are times when it increases the risk of injury. So, what steps can you take to reduce the risk of bodily injury when working in the rain?
Beware of Slick Surfaces
Not surprisingly, the risk of slip-and-fall injuries is greater when working in the rain. As rain coats paved and otherwise flat surfaces, it creates a serious hazard. Therefore, workers should use extra caution to reduce the risk of injury. If you’re working outdoors in the rain, use caution when walking on flat surfaces to avoid slipping and falling.
Beware of Electrical Power Tools
While there are always exceptions, most power tools are not rated for outdoor use in the rain. If you continue to use a power tool while it’s raining, it could result in shock and/or damage to the tool. Only use power tools that are specifically designed for outdoor use in the rain to prevent such accidents from occurring.
Stay Dry
I know this is easier said than done, but try to stay dry when working outdoors in the rain. Wearing wet clothes increases the rate at which your body loses heat by 500%. So even if it’s spring or summer, you could still develop hyperthermia if you don’t stay dry.
Beware of Lightning
Rain alone rarely causes any direct injuries, but when lightning is included, it’s a different. Lightning can strike nearby buildings and power lines, injuring workers.
Use a Strong Grip
If your need to hold onto something, make sure you use a strong grip. Working outdoors in the rain can result in a weak or otherwise loose grip. If you’re trying to hold a wooden beam in place and lose your grip, it can result in serious injury. To prevent this from occurring, use an extra-strong grip when working outdoors in the rain.
Make Sure Others can See You
Depending on where you work exactly, you may want to take additional measures to ensure that other workers and individuals can see you. If you unload and load items off trucks, for instance, you probably want forklift drivers to see you. If they can’t see you, they may strike you, causing serious injury. Of course, visibility is naturally reduced when it rains, so consider wearing a reflective vest to reduce the risk of injury