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Category: Giving Back

Work Hard, Be Open to Change, and Be Open to New Opportunities

With all the news going on around town about layoffs, closures, and downright sad news, it’s time that we added some excitement back into the job search! Diversified Staffing Services and it’s team are working hard to pair up clients who are looking to fill a role, with the best…

Elimination of Hazards – Hierarchy of Controls

When discussing how to mitigate hazards in the workplace there is a hierarchy of controls that is often referred to. The safeguards we use to control hazards fall into the various levels on the hierarchy of controls. The hierarchy of controls outlines the safeguards used to mitigate a hazard from…

Heat Exhaustion

Working in the heat and doing heavy physical work can affect the body’s cooling system. If your body is unable to cool itself, you can experience heat stress. If heat stress is not treated in the early stages, more serious conditions, such as heat exhaustion, can develop. In heat exhaustion,…

Protect Yourself from Wildfire Smoke

It is important to be aware that wildfire smoke can affect your health and to take precautions to protect yourself by reducing your exposure, especially if you are sensitive to the smoke. Who is most at risk? People with pre-existing chronic conditions such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD),…


Most of you have heard the general rules of safe lifting. Remember to “Get a firm grip on the load, keep it close, bend at the knees, use your legs to lift the load, and keep your spine in the natural position (with an arch in your lower back).” These…

Spring Cleaning and Safety

No time is more appropriate than spring to pull out all the stops and reach into the less frequented corners of your facility to eliminate dust and grime. This is also a great opportunity to assess your current safety situation and remove hazards from your workplace. Here are some aspects…

The perfect answer to the cliché ‘tell me about yourself’ interview question, according to an HR manager

  “Tell me about yourself.” It’s hard to find a more stressful question during a job interview. The funny thing is, this is usually the interviewer’s “opener.” Maybe it’s their attempt to get you to relax; maybe it’s their way of discovering your priorities, or perhaps they just want to…

Easy Way Instead of the Right Way

There are many reasons as to why incidents occur that result in property loss or injury on the job. Often times, there has to be multiple failures in the safeguards that are put into place (or not put into place) for an injury to occur due to an exposure to a hazard.…

Proper Protective Clothing for Winter

It is important to remember to take proper precautions at work to keep yourself warm and safe during the winter months. Proper protective clothing is the key to keeping yourself safe in the workplace if you are exposure to outdoor conditions. Winter Workers- Protecting Yourself With the Appropriate Gear Face/Eye…

Personal Protective Equipment and Winter Weather

It’s important to choose protective clothing that is suitable for the temperature, the work you will be doing, and the physical exertion that us required by the task. Warm clothing can help prevent a number of cold-weather hazards, such as frostbite and hypothermia. Cold temperatures can also reduce your mental…