Privacy Policy

Diversified Staffing Services Privacy Policy
Click here to see the privacy policy for our PEO services. Diversified Staffing Services Ltd. is committed to protecting the privacy of its candidates, employees, and clients. We will endeavour to ensure information is collected, used, and retained in accordance with the purposes as stated hereafter.
The Privacy Policy explains the management of your personally identifiable information collected in relation to our services from all the divisions within Diversified Staffing Services Ltd., which includes Diversified Staffing Services and PEO Canada.
In order to keep up with changing legislation requirements, this policy may be updated periodically without notice. Please note that this policy does not apply to the practices of companies which are not owned or controlled by Diversified.
- General information
- Definition of personal information
- What personal information do we collect?
- How do we collect personal information?
- Why do we collect personal information?
- How is personal information used?
- Who controls personal information?
- What is personal information used for?
- Where is it stored and how is it kept secure?
- Who has access to or uses it?
- Who is personal information disclosed to?
- When is it disposed of?
- How do I access my personal information?
- What if I wish to correct personal information that is being held?
- How do I make a complaint about personal information?
1. General information
Each of our divisions provides a unique service. Through these divisions, we provide recruitment services, human resource management, and payroll services.
There are three main types of groups we deal with:
- Candidates: people actively looking for work.
- Employees: currently employed individuals that are payrolled through Diversified.
- Clients: businesses that require our services to supply them with recruitment, human resource management, or payroll needs.
2. Definition of personal information
Personal information is personally identifiable information, including but not limited to name, address, date of birth, contact details, resume, qualifications, work history, skills, and interests.
3. What personal information do we collect?
Type of Information | Examples of Personal Information Included |
Resumes | Name, address, contact details, education, skills, and previous work experience. |
References & Background Checks | Specific information related to work experience, qualifications, character, skills, and personality. |
Application Forms | Name, address, contact details, skills (including test results), education, and previous work experience. |
Payroll Information | Periods of employment, position, SIN, gender, date of birth, emergency contact information, banking information, driver’s abstract, hours of work, overtime hours, wage and overtime rates, tax credits, vacation, leave time granted, taxable benefits, and deductions made (e.g., RSP contributions). |
Benefits | Family and dependant information, marital status, dates of birth, beneficiary |
Information | information, spousal insurance coverage, and provincial personal health numbers. |
Garnishee Information | Documentation of garnishment, garnishee amounts/percentages, requirements, and maximums. |
Employee Handbook | Employee Handbook Signed agreement page. |
Occupational Health & Safety / WCB | Medical certificates, details of incidents/accidents in the workplace, relevant medical information, and modified duties provided. |
Performance Measures | Evaluations and disciplinary letters/issues. |
Client Information | Business name, address, business contact details, contact names, personal information pertaining to contacts, order forms, surveys, correspondence, accounting information including credit checks, and applications. |
4. How do we collect personal information?
We collect personal information through fair and lawful means and personal information is subject to our privacy policies.
Information is collected from a wide variety of sources, which includes resumes dropped off in person, received by fax, or emailed.
- References are obtained through telephone conversations and written reference letters.
- Candidate application forms, payroll information, and benefits application forms are received from candidates and employees by fax, email, and in person.
- Garnishee information is received from various organizations in writing, by mail, or fax.
- Client information is collected by our internal staff and volunteered by our clients in order to provide them with our services.
We may collect personal information without consent or knowledge if it:
- Is in the interest of the individual and consent is not obtainable in a timely manner;
- Would compromise information availability or accuracy;
- Is reasonable to investigate contravention of laws; or
- Is publicly available and specified in the regulations.
5. Why do we collect personal information?
The very nature of our business means that we require a lot of personal information concerning individuals. Personal information is only collected in order to provide services through our divisions to our candidates, employees, and clients and not for any other means.
Only relevant information is collected to fulfill the needs and requirements to facilitate the services we offer.
6. How is personal information used?
Personal information and references regarding candidates is added to our database and it is used to place candidates in positions at our client sites. This information may be used by any internal staff member and may be sent to clients interviewing potential candidates for positions.
Other employee personal information, such as SIN, date of birth, etc., is used in order to provide payroll and human resource services to our employees.
Information regarding our clients is used only to provide services. We do not sell or share client information with any outside agency unless approval is granted by the client. Information is shared with an outside agency only if additional outsourcing services are required.
7. Who controls personal information?
All internal staff are responsible for collection of data as required to perform their duties. It is also the responsibility of all internal staff to protect the privacy of all candidates, employees, and clients.
Decisions on the collection, use, disclosure, and retention of data are shared by the Management Team and the Privacy Officer. The Privacy Officer also deals with any complaints concerning privacy issues.
8. What is personal information used for?
Personal information is used only to provide services to our candidates, employees, and clients. Personal information is never sold or passed on to outside organizations or individuals for purposes other than providing these services.
9. Where is it stored and how is it kept secure?
Storage of paper-based personal information is maintained in our offices, along with external secured storage facilities. Electronic information is stored in our computer systems with back-up stored off-site. Your information may be processed in our secure data storage facility in the United States and it may be accessible to law enforcement and national security authorities of that jurisdiction.
In order to protect the privacy of our employees, candidates, and clients, we have various levels of security in place: physical safeguards, administrative safeguards, and technical safeguards.
Physical safeguards include:
- Locked cabinets and storage areas;
- Limited access to areas where personal information is filed or stored;
- Shredding papers containing personal information when disposing; and
- Alarms and pass keys for restricted areas.
Administrative safeguards include:
- Staff training on privacy policies and procedures.
- Staff are required to acknowledge and sign a confidentiality agreement.
Technical Safeguards:
The most secure technology is used where possible to protect personal information. Our Information Technology department monitors access and use of our electronic systems and is responsible for maintaining the security of our systems through use of tools such as firewalls, anti-virus programs, and passwords. All internal passwords are changed regularly.
All staff are responsible for protecting personal information using the security safeguards in a manner appropriate for the type of information.
10. Who has access to or uses it?
We limit access to personal information in candidates’, employees’, and clients’ files to:
- Diversified staff or persons authorized by Diversified who require it to perform their duties;
- Persons to whom candidates, employees, or clients have granted access; and
- Persons authorized by law.
Certain types of information are segregated to facilitate privacy, provide appropriate access, and protect personal information from unauthorized:
- Access;
- Use, theft, or loss; and
- Copying, changing, or destroying.
Copies of files are kept to a minimum and all information, where possible, is included or scanned into our database in order to maintain the most current and accurate information and to minimize paper documentation.
11. Who is personal information disclosed to?
Diversified may release personal information to a third party under the following circumstances:
- Disclosure of personal information would not constitute an unreasonable invasion of privacy;
- For the purpose for which the information was collected or compiled or for a use consistent with that purpose;
- The employee has consented in writing to the disclosure;
- Disclosure is necessary to comply with a federal or provincial law;
- For the purpose of complying with a subpoena, warrant, or order issues made by a court, person, or body having jurisdiction to complete the production of information or with a rule of court that relates to the production of information;
- Collecting a fine or debt owing by an individual to Diversified or to the provincial or federal government;
- For the purpose of determining or verifying an individual’s suitability or eligibility for a program or benefit;
- To the Auditor General or any other prescribed person or body for audit purposes;
- To a member of the Legislative Assembly who has been requested by the individual the information is about to assist in resolving a problem;
- To a public body or a law enforcement agency in Canada to assist in an investigation undertaken with a view to a law enforcement proceeding, or from which a law enforcement proceeding is likely to result;
- So that the spouse, relative, or friend of an injured, ill, or deceased individual may be contacted;
- For research or statistical purposes required by legislation to an agency such as Statistics Canada;
- To the Director of Maintenance Enforcement for the purpose of enforcing a maintenance order under the Maintenance Enforcement Act;
- To a relative of a deceased individual, if, in the opinion of Diversified, the disclosure is not an unreasonable invasion of the deceased’s personal privacy; or
- If Diversified believes, on reasonable grounds, that the disclosure will avert or minimize an imminent danger to the health or safety of any person.
12. When is it disposed of?
We aim to retain information only as long as is needed to fulfill the purpose that it was collected for.
Resumes are scanned into our database and then the paper copies are shredded. Our database is periodically purged of old information. Resumes, skills, and reference information that has not been accessed or used for more than a year, in relation to any of our services, is deleted. Our Information Technology department is responsible for maintaining and enforcing regular deletion of outdated information.
Other payroll, garnishee, and employee information is kept on file according to federal and provincial legislation requirements.
Client information that is considered public domain and does not contain any personal information is kept on file for an indefinite period of time.
All paper files are destroyed at the end of the retention stage through confidential shredding services. Electronic files and discs are destroyed by the Information Technology department to ensure proper deletion of data prior to outdated discs being disposed of.
13. How do I access my personal information?
A signed request may be made, in writing, to the Privacy Officer for a copy of your personal information on file.
Please direct correspondence to:
Privacy Officer
Diversified Staffing Services
100 – 805 5 Ave SW
Calgary AB T2P 0N6
The request must specify your name and at least two personal identifiers such as employee number, SIN, date of birth, etc., in order for Diversified to verify identity and to locate the appropriate files.
A response will be provided within 30 days of receipt of the request.
Where possible, all information will be provided to persons requesting their information although some information may not be provided.
We may refuse access
- If doing so would reveal information about a third party,
- If doing so would reveal confidential commercial information,
- If doing so would threaten life/security of another, or
- If information was generated in course of a formal dispute resolution process.
Information contained in references will not be disclosed. If you require clarification of a reference provided to Diversified, you must contact the individual who provided the reference.
14. What if I wish to correct personal information that is being held?
A signed request may be made, in writing, to the Privacy Officer to correct personal information held on file.
Please direct correspondence to:
Privacy Officer
Diversified Staffing Services
100 – 805 5 Ave SW
Calgary AB T2P 0N6
The request must specify your name and at least two personal identifiers such as employee number, SIN, date of birth, etc., and must specifically indicate what is incorrect and the corrected information.
Factual information will be changed where appropriate, but opinions noted on file cannot be changed.
A response will be provided within 30 days of receipt of the request.
15. How do I make a complaint about personal information?
Contact the Privacy Officer, in writing, and provide your name, contact details, and the details of your specific complaint.
Please direct correspondence to:
Privacy Officer
Diversified Staffing Services
100 – 805 5 Ave SW
Calgary AB T2P 0N6
The Privacy Officer will investigate your complaint and respond within 30 days.