“Preserving your summer”
Hurry up and read this!… but take your time.
As business persons our days are often filled with lists to do and we routinely rush through these tasks. Let’s face it – time flies! And how often have you anticipated the warm summer days only at the end of it to say, ‘Wow! Summer went by so quickly this year.’
Remember when you were a child how time went by so slowly? Every anticipated event seemed to take so long to come. This is because children have an uncanny natural ability to live in every moment. Whereas the rest of us are worrying, thinking about, and paying bills from the past, and then organizing and planning events for the future; so much so that we neglect the just now.
Here is a secret: If you want to preserve your days you need to live in the present. This might take practice if you are an addict busy person. But think back to your most memorable lifetime moments. Were they not the times in your life, good or bad, when you were most present in the experience? But do you remember the days when you rushed from this to that?
To preserve you must be present. For anyone who has preserved some summer fruit whether it be canning or freezing, they know the important methods and ingredients that cannot be forgotten. If not in the current stage you could easily miss a step, and some processes just can’t be rushed.
So try to have some time this summer where you are in the “now” moment. Be present by absorbing your surrounding, smelling the air around you, feeling the summer breeze, being conscious of your breath, being engaged in the conversation, just stopping and allowing the pace to slow right down, and granting yourself the enjoyment of the occasion. Every sense that you can feel and embrace will make your time that much more meaningful and unforgettable, and these are the types of memories that stand the test of time.
Then months down the road you might find yourself in the middle of a long cold winter day and wishing for some comfort. This may be a good time to open up a jar of your preserves, and sit back and delight in a little bit of your favorite summertime adventures.