Do you charge me if you find me a job?
No, all charges for a candidate placement is paid by the client.
If I don’t know what job/industry I want to get into how can you help me?
Depending on your skills and experience, some candidates have had success crossing over into different industries. Keep in mind however, clients come to us because they require specific skills and experience and a successful connection is made when a candidate has the requested skills and experience. We can help point the way as to where you can acquire training or education to make you more marketable in a new industry.
Are you able to help with my resume?
No. Clients are able to spot resumes that have been altered by a Recruiter and due to the volume of resumes we receive every day, we do not help candidates with their resume. There are a number of websites or services that provide templates or resume writing services that can assist you. Some resources are free, some charge for the service.
If I work for you, am I able to look for jobs too?
It is not unusual for a candidate to continue to look for positions while working through us. We do ask that you keep an open and honest dialogue with your Recruiter.
Are you head hunters?
DSS does not head hunt.
How long do you keep my resume on file?
Your information stays on file indefinitely. If you have an updated resume or are looking for work, please contact us and we will update your file.