It is with great pleasure that we take this opportunity to announce that Diversified Staffing Services has been accredited with COR Workplace Safety Certificate of Recognition towards our health and safety program.
A Certificate of Recognition (COR) is awarded to employers who have successfully developed and implemented a health and safety program that meets provincial standards.
The COR certifies that the employer’s health and safety management system has been evaluated by a certified auditor and met the requirements of the provincial standards. Certificates are issued by Alberta Labour and are co-signed by Alberta Association for Safety Partnerships (AASP).
In qualifying for the certificate, Diversified Staffing Services has:
- Prepared a written health and safety plan appropriate to the needs of our staff;
- Discussed injury prevention issues with staff and invited their ongoing participation in the health and safety program;
- Identified hazards and hazard controls as an ongoing process;
- Developed and implemented good health and safety practices, procedures and policies; and
- Developed a review process for changes and ongoing improvements to the program.
By achieving COR, Diversified Staffing Services continues to demonstrate its commitment to a strong safety culture for all employees.