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Day of Mourning

Every year on April 28 we pay our respects to, and remember, the thousands of workers who have been killed, injured or suffered illness as a result of work-related incidents. Sadly, Alberta lost 162 men and women to workplace injury or illness in 2018. On April 28, we remember. In 1984, the…

Spring Cleaning and Safety

No time is more appropriate than spring to pull out all the stops and reach into the less frequented corners of your facility to eliminate dust and grime. This is also a great opportunity to assess your current safety situation and remove hazards from your workplace. Here are some aspects…

The perfect answer to the cliché ‘tell me about yourself’ interview question, according to an HR manager

  “Tell me about yourself.” It’s hard to find a more stressful question during a job interview. The funny thing is, this is usually the interviewer’s “opener.” Maybe it’s their attempt to get you to relax; maybe it’s their way of discovering your priorities, or perhaps they just want to…

Easy Way Instead of the Right Way

There are many reasons as to why incidents occur that result in property loss or injury on the job. Often times, there has to be multiple failures in the safeguards that are put into place (or not put into place) for an injury to occur due to an exposure to a hazard.…

Ladder Safety

Ladder Safety Talk Ladders are an essential tool on many jobsites and at home. Because of their wide spread use and the inherent danger of working at heights, they are responsible for a large number of injuries both on and off the job. Common Causes of Ladder Falls Unsafe actions…


It is with great pleasure that we take this opportunity to announce that Diversified Staffing Services has been accredited with COR Workplace Safety Certificate of Recognition towards our health and safety program. A Certificate of Recognition (COR) is awarded to employers who have successfully developed and implemented a health and safety…


Trades working outside all year long know from experience that their hands are more vulnerable to the cold and its resulting damages. As the skin of the hand is thin with a high concentration of blood vessels, they can get cold very easily, resulting in loss of their mobility, and…

Proper Protective Clothing for Winter

It is important to remember to take proper precautions at work to keep yourself warm and safe during the winter months. Proper protective clothing is the key to keeping yourself safe in the workplace if you are exposure to outdoor conditions. Winter Workers- Protecting Yourself With the Appropriate Gear Face/Eye…

Winter Safety Tips

Winter is coming and with it, the potential for slips, trips, and falls. According to the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS), over 42,000 workplace injuries are due to fall accidents. The majority of these, or about 66%, are same level falls due to slips and trips. The…

Communication and Safety

Importance of Communication Safety Talk Proper communications is crucial for a job to run safely and efficiently. When communications is insufficient  or missing totally there can be many negative consequences for employees and the company as a whole. Recognizing the communication tools for work tasks and the work environment is…