Category: Benefits Diversified Staffing Benefits Search Search for: Categories Benefits Business Client Events Giving Back Health and Safety Human Resources Payroll Personal Advice Uncategorised LIFT IT TWICE!! Posted on May 9, 2019 Benefits Giving Back Health and Safety Most of you have heard the general rules of safe lifting. Remember to “Get a firm grip on the load, keep it close, bend at the knees, use your legs to lift the load, and keep your spine in the natural position (with an arch in your lower back).” These… Need the Flu shot? Posted on February 6, 2012 Benefits Health and Safety Personal Advice The difference between influenza and the common cold. Here’s the scoop: Both influenza and the common cold are viral respiratory infections (they affect the nose, throat, and lungs). Viruses are spread from person to person through airborne droplets that are sneezed out or coughed up by an infected person. In… More CPP Changes – Effective January 1, 2012 Posted on January 25, 2012 Benefits Business Payroll Earlier this month the Canada Revenue Agency issued this statement about a change to CPP and how it will apply to Wage Loss Replacement Plans (WLRP): “In December 2011, new CPP legislation clarified that all payments made from uninsured WLRPs are considered to be remuneration from pensionable employment. This legislation… There’s still Fun in the Winter Sun Posted on December 30, 2011 Benefits Health and Safety Personal Advice For many of us, this time of year brings colder weather, and blankets our usual areas of play and exercise with soft white snow. This results in staying inside longer where it’s warmer, and less time outside exercising and staying healthy. (Not to mention all the extra yummy treats around… Do you have S.A.D? Posted on November 23, 2011 Benefits Health and Safety Winter weather taking its toll on you? Are you feeling down and overwhelmed by the dismal weather? You are not alone and this is something that affects many people. You could be a victim of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). Taking a vacation is a wonderful way to get away, but…